Virtual Programs!

The CPL Staff will continue to connect with you by offering virtual programs that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home. Virtual Author Read More…

Homeschooling Resources

The regulations on homeschooling in Indiana are minimal, there are only four mandates that apply to those families educating at home: A homeschoolÂRead More…

Story Times @ CPL

Storytime is anytime at CPL!  If you are unable to visit CPL for Story Time you can watch our online #StoryTimeAnytime videos on the CPL YouTube ChanRead More…

Outreach for Classrooms

Connect with CPL and offer the resources your students need! Assignment Help If students from your class need specific library resources for aRead More…

100 Books Before College

100 Books Before College—For 6th—12th Grade NEW Reading Program for Middle and High School Students!  100 Books Before College reading challenRead More…