Home Delivery Service

The Clinton Public Library staff will bring library materials to you – the kind of books you want, by the authors you want to read. This is a free service!  

The resident must have a current library card and must fill out an application for participation in the program. Both matters may be handled by a family member or by someone selected by the applicant.

The Clinton Public Library maintains a large collection of romances, westerns, mysteries, biographies, fiction, non-fiction, inspirational, science fiction, and best sellers. Large print books are printed for readers who have difficulty reading the average type in most books. The library also has a wide selection of audio books available.

Patrons are free to request books that the library does not have in its collection, to order books from other libraries through the inter-library loan, and to reserve books which are not on the shelves.

If you feel you are eligible to receive this service, or know someone who may be interested, please call The Clinton Public Library at 765-832-8349 and speak to one of our staff members about the program.

A staff visit will be arranged. During the first visit, reading preferences will be discussed.

The Clinton Public Library offers a delivery program for those residents who cannot get to the library because of:

  • Permanent physical disability

  • Visual impairment

  • Temporary convalescence from illness, injury, or surgery

  • Age

  • Have no other means of receiving library service such as delivery through family members or friends

  • If you are a live-in caregiver of a home-bound person

The home-bound service includes:

  • Free delivery once every twenty-one days (21) to your home

  • A call from the volunteer or staff member prior to delivering the materials

  • Personally selected books

  • Books that are due will be picked up and returned to the library.

Seven-day DVDs may be borrowed, but it is the responsibility of the home-bound patron to get someone to return them to the library as they do not fall within the twenty-one day service.

Outreach Application and other information: