Loan Periods
- Circulating books and audiobooks may be checked out for 21 days and may be renewed one time, for an additional 21 days, unless a Hold request has been placed by another patron.
- Some new books may be limited to 14-day check-out, with one 14-day renewal.
- DVD’s and videos may be checked out for 7 days and renewed one time for an additional 7 days. No Holds may be placed on videos/DVDs, but teachers may reserve classroom related videos.
- Some new DVDs may be limited to 3-day checkout with no renewals.
- Music CDs may be checked out for 14 days and renewed one time.
- Back issues of magazines may be checked out for 14 days and renewed one time for an additional 14 days.
Number Limitations on Circulating Materials
Evergreen Indiana borrowers may have a total of 100 items checked out at one time from libraries in the Evergreen Indiana system. However, to enable everyone to have reasonable access to our materials, we ask that borrowers observe the following limits at our library:
- Adult and Young Adult Departments: 25 total items per borrower; with a limit of 5 music recordings or 5 audiobooks per borrower.
- Children’s Department: 5 items at one time; except SVCS teachers may check out up to 10 non-fiction books per topic.
- Videos: Limit of six videos or DVDs per family. Movies must be used for home viewing only. Teachers may show students videos/DVDs marked with a green dot; these are licensed for public performances. The library will inform teachers of this but will not restrict teacher access to any video.
- Anyone under 18 with a Restricted Access Evergreen card (by parental request) may not check out R-rated DVDs or videos from any Evergreen Indiana library.
Fines and Collections
Loss of Privileges: A patron’s card will be “blocked” from receiving services, if the patron has 15 or more overdue items, or owes $10 or more in unpaid fines and/or fees.
Fines/Fees: To encourage the prompt return of materials, the Evergreen Indiana libraries have established a schedule of fines to support the timely return of materials on the date due. Overdue materials incur fines of 25¢ per day per item with a $10.00 fine cap per item.
Overdue Notices: Overdue notices are sent via email and/or U.S. First Class mail as a courtesy by the Evergreen Indiana libraries. Failure to receive notices does not exempt patrons from the responsibility for payment for library materials or overdue fines and fees.
Paying Fines and Fees: Evergreen Indiana library fines and fees must be paid at the billing library. Patrons may pay all or a portion of overdue fines. A patron’s record will remain blocked or barred until the fines and fees are paid or the patron has resolved the matter with the particular library to restore his or her privileges.
Lost Items: A patron may inform library staff that an item is “Lost.” The replacement cost of the item, the outstanding fines and a processing fee of $10.00 will be assessed to the patron’s card. A patron is encouraged to notify the library that an item is “Lost” to stop the accruing of additional overdue fines.
Damages: The Clinton Public Library charges a $1.00 fee upon return of library materials if a barcode is damaged or removed, a video/DVD case damaged or lost, or an audio/CD case is damaged or lost.
Rev. 9/27/10
Rev. 7/27/15